
Friday, November 16, 2007

New Job!

Today I had another interview, and I got the job!

I now work at Bridge NW as a contract employee at Oberon Media. A publisher for casual games. It is kinda nice, more responsibility and higher pay. This makes 4 interviews, and 4 jobs in the past 6 months. I really think I found the field for me. It is sort of sad to be saying goodbye to Microsoft, but I really think it will be good to work for a smaller company that has a high rate of hiring contract employees.

So, wish me luck in the next month, and maybe by the time I get back from Christmas, I'll have a permanent job!

Anyway... I still don't know for sure what days I'll be home for Christmas, but I think it will only be a short stay. It looks like I have the next week off, but that could change Monday after I fill out all the paperwork. For Thanksgiving, I plan on visiting James and his family out on the peninsula for dinner. It will be the second time I do that, and It's always good to see his family (they remind me of my own, and make me feel just like I am another one of their kids!)

Other than that. I guess I'll be trying to figure out what my plan for Christmas is while I still have time. That's all for now.
