
Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The Weather is Great!

I've been enjoying the great weather around here the past couple days.
Yesterday I walked down to Lake Washington and back. There is a really
great trail that runs right along the cedar river. When I got down to
the lake, I saw one of the Boing plants, right across the river from the
Renton Municipal Airport.
To make the plant look more appealing, Boing builds large parks with
tall trees around the perimeter, but when I got to the lake, there was a
catwalk which stuck out into the lake, and I could see the massive
repair facility clearly. The path I followed comes to a spiral at the
end, with a bench in the center. I sat in the bench for a while, and
looked out across lake washington. Streight north, I could see Bill
Gate's most famous house in the area. I can tell which one it is by the
huge boat house.
The house is on Merceir Island. This is a huge island in the middle of
Lake washington. To the right, I can see Bellview... To the left I can
see the top of Seattle peaking above the hills. It looks Like I'm
taking another walk today, just to keep up the habit.